... Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.

Above: The clergy and servers, who are all students of the University of Cambridge, after the High Mass. The celebrant is Fr Alban McCoy OFM Conv., Catholic chaplain of Cambridge University, the deacon is Fr Richard Conrad OP, Prior of Blackfriars Cambridge and the sub-deacon is Br Lawrence Lew, OP.

Above: As sub-deacon, I chanted the Epistle which was taken from Acts 8:14-17, appointed for a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit.
Neat. However, why have fiddleback chasuable become what must be worn for the Tridentine Mass? I almost always went to the Tridentine Mass (almost daily, too) until I entered the monastery (1991) and we NEVER used Roman but Gothic Chasuables.
Any explanations or ideas?
I recall reading in Fortesque and O'Connell an instruction from the then Sacred Congregation of Rites which forbade the use of the Gothic vestment... I am not sure when this instruction was abrogated but even when it was, I suppose it was more economical to use High Mass vestments already 'in stock' than to commission new ones. Force of habit would have been another factor I guess...
However, I have seen old photos of High Mass in monasteries which used gorgeous and ample Gothic vestments. Books from the 1950s on liturgy and vesture often promoted the use of these vestments, derided any use of lace and other Baroque inventions. I suppose this was a fruit of the classical liturgical movement. Presumably those parishes which were liturgically aware and influenced by monastic practice adopted Gothic vestments too?
What a shame the noble simplicity of those monastic vestments did not reach the majority of parishes after Vatican II!
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