Br Paul Mills and I have now entered the final stage of our Novitiate. The process has begun for our brethren to consider and vote on whether we may proceed to make Simple Profession in September. We had our first interviews today and the Formation Council votes on 16 June. Following that, if successful, we shall have yet another interview before the Provincial Council votes on 9 July. The Prior Provincial is expected to give us his decision fairly soon after that date and, if accepted, we will be allowed to make Simple Profession on 20 September 2006.
Do please pray for us as this month and this process unfolds, that God's will be done and that we be found worthy of the grace of a Dominican vocation.
I entrust myself and our cause into the hands of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the intercession of St Dominic, Blessed Jordan and all the Dominican saints.
Will indeed pray for you, brother (and you are now listed on my blogroll) BTW isn't 1107 pm a bit late for a blogging friar - compline's long past and it's only wordly laymen like me who are blogging at this hour.
Thank you. Alas, it's not that late for a blogging friar who had a talk to finish work on tonight and hence has only now had time to blog... and yet another presentation to write tomorrow.
Fortunately, I function on comparatively little sleep.
Prayers ascending from here, too.
Brother Lawrence,
Just a quick note to let you know that you, Brother Paul and your formatores are in my prayers during these days. I hope the process gives you joy and consolation as well as confirmation of your vocation. Pax,
Joe K nSJ
Fra' Lawrence,
I certainly will be praying for you and your superiors as they discern what God is calling you to. In particular, I will commend your cause to St. Albert the Great, who has adopted me by volunteering himself to be the patron of my doctoral work.
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