O spem miram...

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
The beautiful responsory sung at Matins today reminds us of St Dominic's promise that he will be "more useful and fruitful to [us] after death than [he] was in life" and expresses the poignancy and hope of this day:
dum post mortem promisisti te profuturum fratribus:
Imple Pater quod dixisti, nos tuis iuvans precibus.
Qui tot signis claruisti in aegrorum corporibus,
nobis opem ferens Christi, aegris medere moribus.
Imple Pater quod dixisti, nos tuis iuvans precibus."
'O wonderful hope which you gave to those who wept for you at the hour of your death,
promising that after your decease you would be helpful to your brethren.
Fulfill, Father what you have said, and help us by your prayers.
You enlightened the bodies of the sick with so many miracles:
bring us the help of Christ, to heal our sick souls.
Fulfill, Father what you have said, and help us by your prayers.'

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