Bread for the World
"Why is there so much hunger in the world? Why must some children die of hunger, while others are smothered in an overabundance? Why must poor Lazarus watch in vain even today for crumbs falling from the rich glutton's table, without ever being able to cross the threshold to him? Certainly not because the earth cannot produce enough bread for everyone. In Western nations, some farmers are paid to destroy the fruits of the earth so as to keep prices steady, while elsewhere people are starving. The human mind is more resourceful in discovering new means of destruction than new means to support life. It is more ingenious in making weapons of destruction plentifully available in every corner of the world than it is to bringing bread to those places. Why is all this so? Because our souls are undernourished, because our hearts are blind and hardened. Our hearts are not showing our minds the way. The world is not in order, because our hearts are not in order, because they lack love, which would show the way to justice...
In order for there to be bread for all, the heart of man must be nourished first. In order for justice to be done among men, justice must grow in our hearts, and this does not grow without God and without the basic food of his Word. This Word became flesh, became man, so that we can receive it, so that it can become our food. Because man is too small to be able to reach God, God himself became small so that he could become our food and so that we could receive love from his love and the world might become his kingdom. These connections are what the Feast of Corpus Christi are about..."
An excellent homily by fr Leon Pereira OP for the Feast of Corpus Christi has just been posted online. Do take the time to read it here.
The photo above was taken in Manila, the Philippines last year - children are scavenging in bags of refuse, looking for scraps of food.
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