A Retreat from Blogging...

As I now enter the final stage of my Novitiate and (hopefully) prepare to make Simple Profession in September, it would be expedient for me to take a break from this blog. I ask my readers to pray for me and for my brother, Paul Mills in these months ahead as we hope to proceed towards making first vows on 20 September. I shall need to apply for an extension for my religious visa too and ask your additional prayers for this intention.
I hope to resume blogging again in October, quite possibly from Oxford by then... Those of my readers who wish to be informed when I resume posting to this site are requested to e-mail me with their address so as to be informed in due course.
I believe this retreat from blogging will be beneficial for me. As the Dominican mystic John Tauler said:
"There must be a definite introversion, a gathering up, an inward recollection of faculties without any dispersal, for in unity lies strength. So a marksman who wishes to hit his target more accurately shuts one eye to focus with greater precision... Moreover, should a going forth, an elevation beyond and above ourselves ever come about, then we must renounce our own will, desire and worldly activity, so that we can orient ourselves single-mindedly toward God, and meet Him only in complete abandonment of self..."
Until the next post, God bless and take care. Thank you all for reading and may we 'meet' again after the end of this 'fast' and retreat from blogging. In the interim, perhaps you may want to look at my posts from this time last year!
The photo above was taken in the environs of Norwich cathedral, last Friday.
God's blessings to you and Fra Paul Mills from all of your devoted readers.
Michaelk Borussia
God Bless!
we will miss your posts!
hopefully see you soon,
May the Lord continue blessing you! We'll be waiting for your return.
I will pray for you as you ask
Your time will come once again...
good luck and best wishes as always!
warmest personal regards,
Hello Brother!
Hope your blogging retreat is fruitful.
Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for my wedding!
Hope to see you soon,
God Bless
Thank you all for your prayers and comments. Br Paul and I will make Simple Profession on 20 September and move to Oxford immediately thereafter. I was also granted the necessary extension to my religious visa.
All thanks be to God!
Just stumbled on your blog. Prayers for you!!!
When are coming off of retreat? It has been a long time.
Oh, just read your comment, congratulations and prayers to both of you.
Dear Brother Laurence,
Baronius Press is a small Catholic publishing house producing
traditional Catholic books (www.baroniuspress.com). We have just launched a new paperback series (which is unfortunately moving very slowly, even in the run up to Christmas!), and I was wondering whether you would be able to help us promote it through your blog site, or any other means such as reviews etc? I can email you a banner if there is room at the top of your page to display it. I'd be
happy to send you review copies if needed.
In Christ,
Joel Newman
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